Since February 24, 2022, over 14 million Ukrainians have been displaced because of the war. Russian aggression has caused thousands of people to lose their homes with yet untold stories in the eastern part of the country, where daily combat is taking place.

Nations around the world have been generous to give aid consisting of food, medicine, funding and supplies. Millions of Ukrainians have been assisted and they are grateful.

Currently, food and medical assistance has stabilized with active supply chains reaching those who can not assist themselves. These phase 1 humanitarian aid must continue and Sozo Charities is committed to give to these efforts. Lives are being saved.

Phase 2 of our aid for Ukraine has been to help restore and rebuild. Together with local businesses, churches and partners, we are helping to build simple homes for people who have lost everything during the war.

Winter is coming soon and many do not have shelter from the cold. These homes are either built quickly on the same property of the family who lost their home or manufactured and delivered by truck.
Home builds range from $4500 – $20,000 depending on the size of family and location.

Below are photos and designs that show an overview of the projects.

Join us in helping to assist the most needy in Ukraine! Let’s get them back into a home before winter.

TAX-DEDUCTIBLE DONATIONS CAN BE MADE TO: (Online – Purpose: Ukraine Homes)

Or by check made out to:
Sozo Charities
301 Main Plaza Ste 148
New Braunfels, TX 78130

Sozo Charities
Sozo Charities is a US non-profit organization helping to bring hope to the poor around the world.