Ukraine Emergency Fund

Thank you for supporting the current humanitarian crisis in Ukraine. We have co-workers directly in the nation and on the borders helping to relieve the impact of the crisis. We are also partnering with multiple organizations and churches who are well organized and placed to care for the growing refugee numbers.

Immediate funding is going towards:

  • Mattresses and bedding – blankets, pillows
  • Medicines and medical supplies
  • Food, including baby food – dried food options being shipped
  • Transportation, gasoline – local and across the border
  • Temporary housing options
  • Clothing, diapers
  • Toiletries
  • Portable generators

As the war sadly continues, the needs grow in ripple effect. Ukrainians are no longer in lines waiting to cross borders. The refugee count is now 11 million Ukrainians that have been relocated: 7 million outside the border and 4 million inside mostly waiting in western Ukraine.  Life in limbo is very stressful. Imagine not knowing where to go or what will be your next step. Overnight your life has drastically changed!

Our Sozo team of three visited and traveled from Poland to Kyiv with aid and accessed the needs on the ground during the month of April.  You can give to address the needs listed above or to support any of the projects featured on our navigation tab. Any gifts without  a specific designation will be applied to areas of greatest need.

At Sozo Charities, we are all volunteers and all funds go directly to the field.


Update from Ukraine March 4, 2022

Update from Ukraine March 4, 2022

We would like to thank all those who donated to the Ukraine Emergency Fund. Because of your generosity, SOZO CHARITIES was able to cover the cost of Tatiana’s post-liver transplant operation. Because of the ongoing military conflict, she is not able to return to the...

Update from Ukraine March 3, 2022

Update from Ukraine March 3, 2022

Here is an update from a friend in Ukraine: “War is when you wash the floors of the refugee center in the morning, at lunch you run to weld anti-car hedgehogs, in the afternoon you accompany international paramedics to the local hospital to meet the staff there in...

Update from Ukraine March 2, 2022

Update from Ukraine March 2, 2022

It is a blessing to see many organizations providing food, blankets, and basic needs for those in Ukraine and on the borders. The crisis is just beginning and much more will be needed. We’re focused mainly on the people we directly know in the country and who have...