The Soberas are Going to Mexico!
YWAM Rancho Abierto

“To know God and make Him known” isn’t just YWAM’s mission statement, it’s the reason we are leaving our jobs, school, home, family, and friends for five months.
Our family will be a part of YWAM (Youth With A Mission) DTS (Discipleship Training School) April 2025 – August 2025! We’ll be traveling to Ensenada Mexico where we’ll spend three months in class, and then travel abroad to another YWAM base somewhere in the world (Location TBD!) for two months of outreach.
We are excited to get away from the noise, to grow closer to God, and for our family to grow closer together as we serve God.
The thing I look forward to most is giving our family a chance to get out of the normal day to day responsibilities and instead focus on growing closer to God and each other.
I remember a conversation with some friends who had every earthly thing we were striving for, and still it wasn’t enough. I remember wondering “when will it ever be enough for us?” and wanting something more, something eternal, for our family. That started our journey wanting to do a family DTS with YWAM. I’m excited to get away from the noise, to grow closer to God, and for our family to grow closer together as we serve God.
At first when my parents said we might be going to YWAM I wasn’t so sure about it and was nervous about the unknown. Then at summer camp they asked if anyone felt called to missions. It was a very emotional moment for me because I felt God telling me He was confirming what my parents were talking about.
When my parents first told me about YWAM I said “Can we go tomorrow!?!”
I’m excited to make new friends and be on a farm!

Youth With A Mission (YWAM) Rancho Abierto, located 95 miles south of the San Ysidro, CA border with Mexico, is a place of transformation. Through the Family Discipleship Training School (FDTS) and Family Bible School for the Nations (FBSN), married couples are empowered to discover God’s purpose for their lives, strengthen their families, and impact communities around the world.

Discipleship Training School
Rancho Abierto is one of the few Family Discipleship Training Schools available. We won’t be the only ones in training, our children will also attend classes of their own. After three months of school we will travel to a YWAM base somewhere else in the world for two months of outreach.
To Know God and Make Him Known
We are excited to embark on this journey with YWAM, to get away from the noise, to grow closer to God, and for our family to grow closer together as we serve God. Thank you for supporting our family mission!